My biggest fear, when I first started dating, was meeting

Nov. 19, 2023, 4:53 a.m.

My biggest fear, when I first started dating, was meeting the girl's father. But I mainly dated black girls, so it was never really an issue.

The condom was first invented by a Welshman by using a

Nov. 19, 2023, 4:52 a.m.

The condom was first invented by a Welshman by using a sheep's intestine. The English later improved it by removing the intestine from the sheep first.

My son asked me what a dilemma was? Imagine you're naked

Nov. 19, 2023, 4:51 a.m.

My son asked me what a dilemma was? Imagine you're naked and in a big bed, I explained, A beautiful woman on one side and a gay man on the other... Who you going to turn your back on?